PECSOnline: A Bespoke Classroom BasedPicture Exchange Communication System(PECS) for Children with Autism

We present PECSOnline, a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) tailored to meet the specific needs of classroom environments rather than an individual. To ensure the tool would meet the practical requirements of the classroom, we employed a participatory design approach, which involved input from educators of children with autism. Our focus was on developing an application that would be personalised and cater to multiple users, a feature that has not yet been tested in a classroom setting.

To ensure optimal classroom use, we utilized participatory design to gather
requirements and develop our application with teachers working with children
on the autism spectrum. These requirements were:

  1. The application should be OS agnostic, and the delivery of the PECS application is primarily given through iPads and Android Tablets. 546 J. Liu et al.
  2. Accounts for teachers and parents should be available.
  3. Both teachers and parents should be able to add multiple children to their (admin) accounts
  4. We should comply with each of the PECS levels (phases) 3 to 6.
  5. Include user security to prevent unauthorized changes by children, such as adult passcodes.
  6. First This Approach should also be included.
  7. User Interface needs to be simple, minimalist, and child-friendly.
Shows an IF THEN THAT example of the software. One can drag the images on the baords to create sentences using pictures.
An example of “this then that” functionality

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